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January 27, 2012

linux rdesktop clipboard problems Windows 2008 R2/Win7

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 4:21 pm

At first glance, I tried to add the options like following

rdesktop -r clipboard:PRIMARYCLIPBOARD


rdesktop -r clipboard:CLIPBOARD

Neither of them worked for me.  I even compiled and installed the newest 1.7.1 version rdesktop,  still noting.

Finally, I found the problem. It is not linux issue, it not a version problem, it’s nothing to do with linux. Instead, the problem was from the windows side. It was caused by the rdpclip.exe( RDP Clip Monitor) in my remote windows box. I killed rdpclip.exe and restart it, everything just works fine.

how to restart rdpclip.exe in windows :

kill rdpclip.exe by using task manager
type rdpclip.exe in start window and run.


January 11, 2012

Coca-Cola la 1L

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:38 pm


Azi am gasit cola la 1L in carrefour. pretul e cam piperat dupa cum vedeti – 6.3 RON – 1 litru. Gustul e neschimbat 🙂



December 21, 2011

Mac OS X 10.7 Lion + ATEN UC-232A USB to Serial Adapter

Filed under: Apple — Tags: , — admin @ 1:18 pm


32- and 64-bit PL2303 drivers for OS X 10.6 are available here.

Update: Driver for MacOS 10.11 (El Capitan) :



You’ll need to modify, as root, the ‘/System/Library/Extensions/ProlificUsbSerial.kext/Contents/Info.plist ’ file after installing the driver to suit the USB manufacturer and device ID. For the ATEN UC232A, examples below appear to work for it (for me in 10.7).

To obtain the IDs, Wayne Roberts (who informed my via the SAGE-AU mailing lists), used ‘USB’ which comes with the developer tools/XCode.

Modify the current lines of the XML:

# <key> can be the Hex values as 'Vendor'_'Product', Wayne thinks this is more cosmetic however.
# <idProduct> and <idVendor> should be the decimal of the respective values, as per USB

Once you’ve done this, either restart the machine or run ‘kextunload’ and ‘kextload’ on ProlificUsbSerial.kext and it should show up as /dev/tty.usbserial.

** If you have installed the UC232A Drivers, either rm or mv the ‘UC-232AC.kext’ before the reboot to avoid conflicts **

original article is from:

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